$200 Is Raised by Billy Sunday
Rapid-Fire Evangelist Does a Great Work in Little City, of Prophets-town During the Recent Revival. HIS CONVERTS NUMBER 714 Evangelist Smashes a Chair While He Is Emphasizing One of His Electrical Arguments. Seven hundred and fourteen con verts and $2300 in cash, this is the result of Mr. Sunday's labors In the fields of revivalism. at Prophetstown. Up to Sunday morning the converts numbered 500. At the sermon Mr. Sunday had these 500 persons grouped around the platform from which he spoke, the sight of which combined with a vigorous talk from the revivalist was powerful enough to add 214 more to those who had turned into the way of righteousness. . - Mr. Sunday spoke on temperance in the evening, and with figures and statistics committed a wordy assault on any that stand up for "license." When he reached the climax of his harangue he seized a chair standing near him and hurled it to the floor with such violence that It was smash ed to kindling wood. A voluntary sub scription amounting to ?2300 was ta ken up immediately afterward. Col. Feezer of the Mt. Carroll Democrat has the following to say of the press dispatch of last week on the redemption of Prophetstown: - "The town is dead and Sunday is getting out good crowds. He claims 375 conversions old and. young men, women and children, mostly children. The mayor and one alderman are among the converts. Four aldermen are still sinful sinners and wouldn't think of giving the saloonkeepers back their money. The tabernacle cost $1700 and about $2000 has been raised, which has shortened the money market. The "newspaper business is dead, delinquents having given to the Sunday craze when they should have paid subscriptions. Every editor in the county has heard Sunday preach, but he hasn't converted one of them. They are probably too far along on the broad road to turn back. The editor (ofthe Prophetstown Spike) didn't seem to think that the Sunday meetings help to make a town busy or progressive." Open Tonight. Ed Nelson's grocery, 1514 Sixth avenue, will be open tonight and closed all day tomorrow, July 4th. Young; Ungroiata. "It's a queer thing about children-babies," said the proud father. v-'If I say 'cat to my boy, the nearest he can get to repeating it is tat, but if I make up a word like 'oobijoobie' that youngster can speak it more fluently than I can." Pearson's Weekly. Unclassified Short Ads. FOR SALE Lot at 14th st. and 19 th ave., on easy term. Will furnish money to build. Apply at 1917 UV2 st ' - 6 FOR SALE One Jump-spark coil for gas engine, $4. 'Phone 558-1 3 3 FOR RENT The building occupied for the last fifteen years as a bakery; excellent location, 1405 7th ave.; everything in good repair. Enquire F. H. Gluesing, 830 15th st., Moline. tf FOR RENT Six-room house, new and modern, situated at 712 4th st, on brow of bluff. Coolest place ia town. Rent $20. Inquire of Ed. Coryn, 708 4th st. Phone 913 K. tf FOR SALE Good horse, cheap, if taken at once. Inquire at Dispatch office. 10 LOST Downtown, about two weeks ago, a small gold pin, engraved with initial "U." Return to Dispatch. 3 OSTEOPATHY! C. E. STEWART, D. O. Graduate Klrkavtlle, Mo. Room 8 Chase Block, opposite New York Store. Hours- to 12, 1 to 4. 7 to 8. Sunday 1:30 to 2:30. Old 'phone E. 246. It you are sick and want to get well gim Osteopathy a trial.