Newspaper article titled Billy Sunday Comes High for the Churches

Billy Sunday Comes High for the Churches

Bloomington Pastors Estimate That the Revival Services There in the Fall Will Cost $8000 - Danville Attitude. The members of the ministerial union of Bloomington have been quietly figuring on what the series of "Billy" Sunday meetings next fall will cost, and estimate it at $8000. The tabernacle, they figure, will cost $3500, while for the singing evangelist and the janitors, who are carried by Sunday, 200 would be required. Carfare for the three, the personal expenses of the evangelist and - advertising would cost $800, while for light, heat incidental expenses and remuneration for Sunday about $2000 would be needed, a total of nearly $8000, The unique reason given by the Danville ministers for not hiring Sunday, that the number of converts would be larger than the churches of Danville could care for, has likely never been duplicated in church history. They claim that the vast number of converts who would probably be secured by the evangelist during his visit could not be looked after by the pastors of the several churches and would backslide; that there would be reaction, the effect of which would be worse than the conditions at the present time. The Danville Ministerial association figured that the Sunday meetings would cost a total of $7495 for the six weeks, or an average of $1275 per week.