Newspaper article titled Billy Sunday, Ex-Ball Player Tackles Sunday Golf Players

Billy Sunday, Ex-Ball Player Tackles Sunday Golf Players

BILLY SUNDAY, EX-BALL PLAYER TACKLES SUNDAY GOLF PLAYERS , y - , - The Evangelist Is Opposed to Sunday Sports and Says He Never Played on the Sabbath. Chicago, III, 'Slas 14 Billy" Sunday. who became known lo fame when he was shooing Hid hi ('aft iln A.ibon s outfield, ami who his ki pi under the lime-light evei t-m-e as an evangelist, has encountered iht proposition of his life. . . Vp at It hea ton the foimer baseball player fa trying to pcisuadeihe dwell-fci that Sunday golf I wh ked So fat ac could be leurmd yishidjy his converts, so far ns the golfers themselves are com erned, compare with base lilts lr, a shut-out game: ' "When I was plaj inpMll I nevei took .part In a Sunday game. Is an argument that the icaugellst Is making to the golfers ' "Yes, but wlien pi d iv (ame you didn't ask whetlni join dollars were tuken in fiom the big bund ty crowds, did you?" is a ictoit that has been made. Members of the c'lih ago Golf i lub art tot at all willing tu have Ihelr favorite pastime weighed from a baseball standard. Golf Is a health producer, It Is exercise," said one of tin devotees yesterday, "It la a good game for seven days lit the week and like' a spring tonic, should be taken rigulaili Golf is hot professional and it should liuerrere with no man's religion " "Golf and religion blend perfectly," said another mender of the club. "A man can go to diun h In.tlic morning and then take a turn on vie links in -the afternoon If lie wishes. Ho will be better for each evpeiiem e, liolli in nilno and body. PLAIN TALK BY Sl'NDAY. But despite the attitude of the golfers, Evangelist Sunday Is hammering away vigorously and Ills c haracteristie arraignments ure attrai ting big crowds of hearers. "Here Is a gccod Methodist town, where one would expei I lo see the laws obeyed, he declaied in his seiinoii lust night. "Yet you let a lot of Chicago tellows desecrate Sunday simply because they have money. One uf youi pi cachets, I have been told, tried to stop tills Sunday gulf, but had to give up the fight bocause you you religious people, who claim to be Christ Ian said he would hurt the town and Us business Interests 'Business interests:' Indeed' Why, you talk as if you had a through tu ket to heaven In a palate tar. If you think that. I'm the conductoi, who wake's you up and tellH you you will be sidetracked with a hut box. "People who attend Gary Meuioriul Metlssilst eliureh are not accustomed to being talked to ill this manner. They have turned out tu meetings, but as the evangelist says, 'they never would lie suspected of being Methodists.' Jiuven't one of you ail amen down there' 'lhen. turning to gulf again, the speaker bald. "Golf la all tight, except that it is played by rich people, who are tOq busy making money to get-a c hicnce tff go to the links on uny day but Sunday. Golf Is nearly as good a game as tiaschall, hut when you allow it to keep you front church it s a pretty ban game. BOVS AS SABBATH CADDIES. "That, however, is, not the worst of It Some of you people, right here In front of me let your boys go out on Sunday mornings to ait as caddies Why, one mail (old me he had to give up Ills Sunday school class because all Ills boys went to tile links on Sunday mornings. They are only emulating their daddies, though, lu going out after the mighty dollar. - ' u, some of you can squirm, but you ate not going to stop mo, 1 want to see this town, tills most respectable town, peopled with most respectable people. Hut I lind the task harder than in what you rati 'the wicked cities lie got to muke you believe tbat you don't believe non that you can't buy your way into heaven." And so goes the battle between tile kune bull vetcian and llie golfSis.