Newspaper article titled Billy Sunday is a Mark

Billy Sunday is a Mark

BILLY SUNDAY IS A MARK Evangelist Comes In For Many Different Kinds of Jokes. Billy Sunday Is being made Ihe butt for many harmless and good natured jokes about the city. The fact that 'ICvery day will be Sunday by and by" IH counteracted only by the assertion that this is the shortest day in the year, with one extra Sunday which comes on Thursday. The children are being admonished to be good when Sunday comes and newspaper men are being asked if the Slerling: papers will issue Sunday editions. Several of the storekeepers state that despite a t ll statements to the contrary they expect to work Sunday. Mr. Fisher Is also coming In for a share of the jokes la being asserted that he is a. Sunday fisher and several other kindred Jokes. Others are likely to spring up at any mlnule.