Billy Sunday Is Losing Money by Sticking to Work
BILLY SUNDAY IS LOSING MONEY BY STICKING TO WORK. Same Energy In Lyceum Lectures y Would Net Him Much Greater Returns Than Evangelism. . It would be a startling statement to say that Billy Sunday is actually losing , money by, continuing in the revival business, but it is a . fact that the energy he puts into a week's preaching during the course ot a re- vlval would bring him $3,500 If he cared to take the offer made him by a lyceum bureau recently.- He has a standing offer Of $250 a lecture, and his lectures are .nothing out parts of different sermons. He will preach on the average about 14 ser- mons a. week during the Muscatine revival, so the amount of labor he will . put In during the five weeks Galla-here might net him $17,500. Al- Daven-though he will -probably get a large collection here there is no possibil- lty of it anywhere near equalling that figure. Sunday's .expenses are enormous. e pays his assistants $500 a month and all the year around practically Buurtn Bio ui Mwn ui u!l Z families in Chicago, although he doesn't tell the newspapers about that,-saying it's none of their busl- wonhy enterprise that"comes uni his observation and is especially gen- athletic organizations. Frequently he drops from $l'to $5 into the col- iaMnn .t k1 -nrhiia tw r nfi tn'-A of mtiriM; ' -''"'