Newspaper article titled Billy Sunday Is Losing Money by Sticking to Work

Billy Sunday Is Losing Money by Sticking to Work

BILLY SUNDAY IS LOSING MONEY BY STICKING TO WORK. Same Energy In Lyceum Lectures y Would Net Him Much Greater Returns Than Evangelism. . It would be a startling statement to say that Billy Sunday is actually losing , money by, continuing in the revival business, but it is a . fact that the energy he puts into a week's preaching during the course ot a re- vlval would bring him $3,500 If he cared to take the offer made him by a lyceum bureau recently.- He has a standing offer Of $250 a lecture, and his lectures are .nothing out parts of different sermons. He will preach on the average about 14 ser- mons a. week during the Muscatine revival, so the amount of labor he will . put In during the five weeks Galla-here might net him $17,500. Al- Daven-though he will -probably get a large collection here there is no possibil- lty of it anywhere near equalling that figure. Sunday's .expenses are enormous. e pays his assistants $500 a month and all the year around practically Buurtn Bio ui Mwn ui u!l Z families in Chicago, although he doesn't tell the newspapers about that,-saying it's none of their busl- wonhy enterprise that"comes uni his observation and is especially gen- athletic organizations. Frequently he drops from $l'to $5 into the col- iaMnn .t k1 -nrhiia tw r nfi tn'-A of mtiriM; ' -''"'