Billy Sunday Is Still Converting the People of Kewanee
BILLY SUNDAY. Billy Sunday is still converting the people -qf Kevvanee. He has collected enough money to pay fo; the Coli-t-oum and has brought 8 IS souls into the fold. Here is the way he does it: Say, do you know the diPereoce -between a hog and a sheep? Well, it is this. When a sheep falls into a mud-puddle it gets out just as si on as possible. .When a hog falls b, he stays there. The trouble with many of you people that, won't climb out of the puddle Is that you are not the sheep 3 on pretend to be. You are. only washed sows. Some of you will say, 'Oh; Mr. Sunday, your language shocks me so, it grates on ray ears. Say, I am quoting Bible. The tropble is you critics don't know your Bible. Ixiok gp what Fetor said. In this muscular wayduth Brother Sunday bring people to a knowledge of the truth and induce them to put off the old man with his deeds and become penitent and high minded.