Billy Sunday Prays for Elks
BILLY SUNDAY The Famous Evangelist at Kewanee Revival Meetings Would Have the Masonic Order Also Cleansed. Over In Kewanee the different churches are holding revival meetings and Billy Sunday, the once fleet and famous base ball star, is the evangelist He has a way of expressing himself which is attractive to the people and consequently large crowds appear at each and all of the meetings. The other evening he made this prayer: "Lord,-1 hope you will pour down salvation upon the lodges of the town and especially the Masonic fraternity, convert them from the Wor PRAYS FOR ELKS shipful Master to the Janitor. And, O Lord, especially remember the Elks. My God thou knowest that they are a speedy bunch, but thou knowest that if I, thy servant, were in trouble, it is to one of these men that wear the pin that I would quickest go for assistance. You know that they would not give me a marble heart and a stony stare. They havo hearts as large as the dome of this armory. Yea, I will correct myself, as large as the dome of the Baptist church there.