Newspaper article titled Billy Sunday Tied the Knot

Billy Sunday Tied the Knot

BILLY SUNDAY TIED THE KXOT Performed Ceremony for the First Time at Knoxvlllo Saturday Evening. Miss Mary Reel of Albla In the city visiting with her sister, Mrs. Charles Rosslter, Thlrty-thtrd and Easton boulevard. Miss Reel will sojourn in Des Moines during the summer. George W. Reel, brother of the young lady, was united In marriage at Knoxville Saturday night with Miss Laura Parsons of that city. The ceremony was performed by Evangelist Sunday. It Is said to have been the only marriage ever solemnized by the noted ex-baseball player. He was more nervous than was the bridegroom, but succeeded in getting through the ordeal and tlelng the knot tight and firm. Mr. Reel and bride will make their home at Dallas City. Illinois, where the former is engaged in the drug business.