Newspaper article titled Billy Sunday Wins His Point

Billy Sunday Wins His Point

Threatened Disruption of j Evangelistic Meetings at Rantoul Ramoul III Sept I— Because if a ! row between local pastors and the evangelist revival meetings held at this place by Key "Billy" Sunday came almost to an end yesterday The hase-I ball gospel preacher bad Lis way and the meetings go on with a promise of stirring Kanionl to its depths The local ministers had decided to conduct the usual services at their churches on Sunday morning but Rev Sunday served notice on them thai it' any counter airaciions were imtmict'1 by the niinis'ers he would v i i Ld r lo: e! an Kan!' hip! a vi tlli wh i 1 'nil peo- icicle All m lonaaLin i angel d-d as one ' - of the in' a I this nl not open o'clock Fri- i-e inoai Iv i li't'Wise only about ' la! ernacli 'nl and the irae!s ex-ay i pres-ers of ihe surroiindins 1 vMi tic v !i e HUM mee'in hlH Ml at' tile day smaller have hi loo pers- resell' Th ililnla 11 fuH swing a--'ei who wi'h K Sum ent a churcln lormiug sin Kami md