Newspaper article titled Billy Sunday's Monster Revival

Billy Sunday's Monster Revival

BILLY SUNDAYS MONSTER REVIVAL HE HAS CONVERTED KANKAKEE BOSS POLITICIANS AND ALL KANKAKEE til Feb 20 Billy Sunday evangelist formerly a star fielder on the Chicago National league baseball team knocked oat a home run at his revival meeting here Tuesday night and scored Len Small former state treasurer Smalls conversion to active Christianity followed a personal appeal from the pulpit One hundred and forty - one of Small s admirers followed him Into the - folds Since he entered politics twenty years ago Small has held something like a hundred offices and when ha hasnt been landing them himself has been passing them around among his friends Before he ys state treasurer he was state senator a trustee of the Kankakee insane hospital and so on A good many ot Len Small s political friends went to thealUr with blm Among them were t Bert Miller the state s attorney made so by Len Bert Cooper Hf RlchaMsonJ1 who hadnt been to church maybe Iq forty years Mike Bassett managing editor of Leus newspaper the Republican and many others Kankakee Hhfat Is In a state of religious excitement that never nas been equaled perhaps In the his tory of a town of Its stie The ex baseball player started to convert the whole town several weeks ago He has succeeded In turning the hearts ot over 3000 to a batter lite Some place the number as much higher All the society people hare given up their whist parties and dances Prayer meetings are held in nearly every home and the saloonkeepers say they might as well go out ot business The people have raised 3COO0 tor Sunday and everyone says he la worth the money Dr J W Thompson has removed his Dental Office to 122 W Berry Phone 867 i