Newspaper article titled Billy Sunday's Theology

Billy Sunday's Theology

"Billy" Sunday's Theology. "Billy" Sunday, the evangelist, who recently created such a spiritual upheaval in Marshall, Minn., is at present in Rockford, Ills., preaching to large audiences. A dispatch says: "Increasing interest has marked every service conducted here by Evangelist "Billy" Sunday, until last night hundreds were turned away from the tabernacle, which seats fully 5,000 persons. It was the biggest week night service since Mr. Sunday's arrival, and the evangelist was in high spirits. It was an audience composed for the most part of non-professing Christians, and Mr. Sunday turned the gatling guns in their direction. Square yourlives by the Bible," shouted he, "and see if it don't deliver the goods. I would rather be an Indian than an infidel. If I asked you how many legs has a fly not one in ten could answer. Don't fuss about God when you don't know beans about a fly. "This theory of evolution is all rot. My girl came home from her school in Chicago one night and told me that her teacher said the earth resulted from evolution. That's all a damnable theory, a guess pure and simple, and no two-for-a-cent teacher can destroy my child's faith that God made this earth. I won't stand for it."