Newspaper article titled Burlington Civic League in Trouble

Burlington Civic League in Trouble

Burlington Civic League in Trouble I A dispatch from DesMoines says that £oesJohn T.-Hooner, attorney for the autisaloon leagues of Burlington, Iowa, has appealed to Gov. Cummins, asking that milit&ry protection be furnished himself and those interested in prosecuting the saloon injunction suits now pending in the courts at Burlington. The governor has started an investigation ot the facts in the case, and the city and county authorities there have been called upon for information. The trouble at Burlington grows out of the revival meetings held there last winter by Evangelist "Billy" Sunday. As a result, the Civic league was formed and everybody was enthusiastic in its support. Dr. J. N. Patterson was elected president, and B. E. Jones, a railroad engineer, secretary. A crusade against the saloons at once was begun, these two men being named as the prosecutors. by a gang of ruffians, down, beat him, kicked him and abused him so that he received injuries which at first were thought to be fatal, and the results of which even now are in doubt. This was in broad daylight, and the assault was witnessed by many persons. Jones recognized his assailants. He furnished the police with their names, but no arrests were made. That same evening Dr. Patterson was attacked by a gang of toughs, who tried te pull him out of his carriage, but he escaped. He again was attacked later in the evening, but again escaped without serious injury. Houser alleges that these attacks followed open and repeated threats which had been made to "do up" Jones and Patterson if the injunction suits were not dropped. After these assaults, Houser determined that* the league was not receiving the support of the authorities or of. the people in general in Burlington, and he determined to come to Des Moines and appeal to the governor for protection during the prosecution of the suits. While Jones was walking along the street Saturday noon, he was assaulted: who threw him