Newspaper article titled Calls Knoxville "Tight"

Calls Knoxville "Tight"

Calls Knoxville "Tight." Earlier In the evening Sunday, who had preached from the text "Why call me Lord, Lord, and do not the things I say," had been provoked to a vigorous denunciation of stinginess by the size of the collection of the night. The offering, in fact, came to but $16.62. "Loosen up, you Knoxville people." said tha preacher. "Loosen up! Why, this Is the stingiest town I have ever been In." Denunciation of what he called the "tight wad" characteristics of his audience occupied Sunday during a large part of the address which lasted an hour and fifteen minutes. Women in particular came In for a tongue lashing for being tight from Sunday, who characterized them as by far the less liberal sex. Then Sunday went on to tell how he himself had given for nineteen years a tithe of his earnings to the Lord. One-tenth every year goes to the poor, the missionaries, etc. Ho narrated, too, how he had given up a M0 per month position as a ball player to work In the Chicago Y. M. C A. at $S3 a month. How telegram after telegram came to him offering him a position as ball player or umpire at salaries as high as $600 per month.