Newspaper article titled Cannot Stop Dance

Cannot Stop Dance

CANNOT STOP DANCE Minister Secures Injunction Which Is Dissolved. Special to The Globe. LEON, lowa, Dec. 25.The annual Christmas ball participated in by the young society people of Leon was carried out tonight, regardless of the strenuous efforts of William Biggs, a Baptist minister, to prevent it by securing an injunction in the district court. Rev. Biggs owns the first two stories of the building in which the Knights of Pythias lodge is located, the lodge owning the third floor of the building, which has long been used for the dances given by the elite of the city. Rev. Biggs is strongly opposed to dancing, and after failing In his efforts to have the young people call off the dance scheduled for tonight, he went before Judge Towner, of the district court, and secured an Injunction restraining the lodge from permitting the hall to be used for dancing purposes, contending that th c building ' was' unsafe. : All arrangements for the ball had been completed, and the young men promoting the event, determined to carry out their plans, employed experts to examine the building and-report as to its safety. The report of the experts was satisfactory to the dance promoters, and, armed "with this evidence, they went before Judge Towner and had . the injunction dissolved in time to hold the dance. *=•* Rev. Biggs has been one of the leaders in an attempt to discourage dancing among the young people here, and a few years ago he came * near being successful by securing the . services of Evangelist Billy Sunday, who remained here two - weeks ~_ and! obtained -so many additions ;to ; the churches . from among the younger. set '.tiuttit'-wA.< lm- possible Ito find enough young people to give a dance for two or three years. Recently, however, .. the influence wielded by the evangelist has been on the wane,7 and dancing is again indulged * in, much to the disgust of Rev. Biggs, who feels chagrined that the balls are held in a building of which he is a part owner. - "'V^T*^;,^--'^^ THE MEWS INDEXED. PAGE I. Far Eastern .War Prospects. Blizzard in the West. San Domingo's Revolution. Exciting. Experience on Disabled Steamer. .. V~'. Agree on McCardy for Auditor. Bishop. Potter Injured. • PAGE 11. Christmas Cheer for Children of the Poor. TV-'-..*'---- New Grand: Jury Will Soon Be in Ses■.:■ sion. . , '£ PAGE 111. : Dowie Prophesies End of Earth. Move to Protect Russian Jews. '.--.' ■ PAGE IV. Editorial Comment.'.-'.- - - Possible Trouble Between America and Russia. , PAGE V. Sporting News. PAGE VI. Chicago a Hoodoo to the Republican^ Railroads Show Larger Earnings. PAGE VII. Of Interest to Women.; Short Story. PAGE VIII.T-.':"- Wants. -x : PAGE IX. j Markets. \k: 'V.J;' xi PAGE X. . -._-. ; F. B. , Doran Wants Police Commission j ;:\ Abolished. 7 - _ "7 *" ' '"';." '■"■'■'■ : --*;*"*" ~* Give Newsboys a Feast. "«~ - -_-;" j British; Rear Admiral Spends Christmas in the City,