Newspaper article titled Centerville Joins Church

Centerville Joins Church

? ! CENIERYILLE JOINS CHURCH Centerville. Iowa, July 9. Stirred up against the boot-legging element and the whisky selling drug store by the ; recent meetings . conducted by Billy Sunday, the people of Centerville have organizeti a law and order league In which many who have haitftfnra Vtan Trrrilrnt t:ilrMtt n1 vocates are now active workers. The leiime iwiu iui re juiiicu luc league, anl what makes rt remark - able is the fact that the nia"yjrf by whom they were appointed.was elect- ed on what was called the saJoon ticket His force all fell under the spell of Billy Sunday's preaching and have Joined the churches and are taking a prominent part In the law and order movement. The Sunday meetings have made . a wonderful change in Centerville. Last Sunday the churches would not hold the people. The Baptists had to tay - seats eived 150 new members, the Bap- tists 127. the Christians S4 -and the I Presbyterians 75 and 200 more will join the churches. The Baptist minister immersed 85 Sunday. One country church near Centerville received 40 new members Sunday and., every church in the- county has received additions. The total of conversions was S71. ,1 ; :