Newspaper article titled City Elections All Over State

City Elections All Over State

CM ELECTIONS ALL OVER STATE Issue Generally Is On Temperance Question and in -Some Places the ... Contest Proves Bitter. SUNDAY'S BIG VICTORY Princeton Goes Anti-Saloon by Tremendous Majority as Resu t of His Revival Work, Chicagb, April 18. Thr mghout Illinois yesterday village eli ctions were held, with varying result s. In many towns the saloon issue was up. Princeton went no license, that faction electing its aldermen in all four wards. There will be no saloons this year. The city was carried for temperance by the biggest majority in its history, and is considered to be the result of the revival meetings conducted there by Evangelist Sunday, by which there were 2325 converts. The meetings influenced many other towns in Bureau county, causing some of them to vote out the saloons for the nrstrtime since the towns were incorporated. " For the first time in more than twenty years saloons "were voted out at Sullivan, the majority against the issuing of licenses being. 98. The entire citizens ticket was elected. Dalton City and Lovington both voted against saloons. At Kankakee, the Fourth ward, known as the "Illinois eastern hospital ' ward, went anti-republican for the first time in its history. At Peoria the republicans elected five out "of eight aldermen. A bitter fight developed late in the campaign over the alleged efforts of Mayor Tol-son to help place in office men that would favor him. The election resulted in defeat for the mayor's candidates in every ward except one. The new council will be democratic. The iiigh-license question will be brought oefore the new council next week and an effort made to raise the license fee to $1000. " At Elgin eight aldermen and one magistrate were elected and a referendum as to whether the Elgin, Aurora and Southern Traction company should be granted the right to