Newspaper article titled Clipped From The Gazette

Clipped From The Gazette

SUNDAY STIRS CENTERVILLE Centerville, . Iowa, June 50 A great revival has a wept Centerville. Rev, Wm. Sunday's closing meeting on Sunday resulted In two hundred and nineteen' conversions, making a total of 615 during the meetings. There were twelve hundred present at the men's meeting and 155 men were converted. A free will offering to Mr. SundayU)f ' $1,500 was raised.' County officers, the police force and men who have been circulating sa loon petitions have professed conver sion, ana tneir names were wk ou the petition, recently circulated, by the score. It will be burled , deeper than on any previous attempt. A great Jubilee , meeting was held last night to celebrate the defeat of the saloon petition. There were 115 withdrawals from the petition yesterday. 'Billy" Sunday's work was entirely responsible for it.