Newspaper article titled Crowds Hear Evangelist

Crowds Hear Evangelist

CROWDS HEAR EVANGELIST Ssnilay aad the bavll Both rigMlaf to a - rial - X: The Woodstock-' meetings in the Armory, onder the direction of Evangelist Sunday and his singer, Mr. Fisher, are marked for increased attendance and interest. The interest in the coal strike is subsiding, politics is not in it; no one talks of the coming cold wave. Instead of hearing inquiries concerning the weather, fuel, health, etc, they are all about the meetings. Scores are being warmed at the glowing altar of ' experience, multitudes sweat under an awakened and aroused conscience. Last Sunday standing room was at a premium and many were unable to find even a place to put one foot. It is simply wonderful what the stranger, the new preacher, is doing. Preaching is certainly his business and he is working it, cot as a mere figurehead, not an automaton in a pulpit, not a dried up old fossil who puts you to sleep, not a dignified cold blooded crank who will try to save you for so much a dozen money in advance, not a narrow-minded, one-sided, egotfstical conglomeration of imbecility and superciliousness, nothing of the sort, but a simple man, true, forcible, with a rich religious experience, bold for the right, who shoots cold facts at you and straight from the shoulder, with the penetration of a Dewey shell bound for a Spanish boat. One who makes you feel you are in the arena and an awful conflict is on Sunday and the devil fighting to a finish. Come and help, dear people of Woodstock, let your presence at least sanction the withering, blighting, damning denunciations of sin by the evangelist, and the sweet, loving, tender songs of the singers.