Newspaper article titled Dittmar Praises Rev. W. A. Sunday

Dittmar Praises Rev. W. A. Sunday

MAYOR SAYS HIS DISLIKE HAS CHANQE& INTO AD* MIRATION. Declares that Evangelist Is Eminently Right in Many things He Says. Attended * Number of Meeting:" "* *he Tabernacle and Is Convinced of the Sincerity of Former Ball Player. Mayor C. J. Dittmar likes Rev. William A, Sunday. The chief exceptive was In one of his,serious moods this morning, .and no one can be more serious than he when he settles down to H. The main reason why the mayor admires Mr. Sunday is because he be- neves that Mh Sunday preached a wor.ld of truth the last Sunday afternoon that he was here when he tackled •• the "booze" question. It was well known that the mayor and has always said that "personal and has always said that "personl liberty" slurald be. upheld. B\\t the mayor has materially changed some of his ideas concerning the evangelist since he has come and gone, "When Billy Sunday came here," de- dared the mayor, "I disliked him, but before he left I learned to'like him. He is as sound as a dollar ou that 'booze' question. There are some men who can drink moderately, but there are others who can't and they are the fellows who should let in-, toxicants alone. Whisky is the curse of any man who Is unable to handle it, and no man has any right to touch It who hasn't the will power to resist it after he has had enough. There are some days that a glass of whisky will brace a man up after a hard day's work, but as I have said, the man who can't take one g^ss and then-quit, has no right,to touch It . I like Mv. Sunday's ideas on hypo- crits, and his challenge to those who sneer and scoff at religion. When Mr. Sunday came here. I had serious doubts as to whether he would accomplish any good; but I am now convinced that he has helped some people in a remarkable manner and I am glad that he came." . Mayor Dittmar attended the services at the tabernacle a number* of times, and many of the things that Mr. Sunday said received his unqualified endorsement. The mayor has been led to take his stand in favor of the evangelist by reason of his close study of conditions that exist in this city. While he refrained from using such strenuo'us phraseology as "beer guzzling old fool" and "whisky soak," such as punctuate the animated discourses of '-Mrr- Sunday,'_he -was- np 16ss sincGrGt "I tell you," the mayor reiterated, "I disliked Billy Sunday when he came ; here, but he found a soft spot in my heart before he left. Thai fellow preaches the truth, and every man who does that and consistently follows it out, is a friend, of mine." The mayor did not state to what extent his admiration for Mr.'. Sunday had taken him, as he switched back on .the'subject of the "Bryan Boom," which he had been discussing just before he began to laud Mr. Sunday.