Dr. Maier Cut off Air in Canada

CKLW, Canadian radio station at Windsor, Ont. cut Dr. Walter A. Maier and the Lutheran hour off the air at 12:41 p. m., St. Louis time, yesterday after Dr. Maier assailed "perverted... men who for blood profit eagerly agitate to have America fight again in Europe's age-old battles. "

A Detroit, Mich., man, according to Lutheran hour officials, advised Dr. Maier of the censorship and said a CKLW announcer had explained the station was not in agreement with the St. Louis clergyman. Two Toledo, Ohio, newspapers later confirmed the incident.


CKLW according to radio directories, is an independent station transmitting from Windsor and owned and operated by the West, ern Ontario Broadcasting Company, Ltd., Windsor. In his radio sermon Dr. Maier assailed educators and clergymen, too old to fight themselves, who demand that America should declare war and send her youth across the seas.

"Of all the misinformed and destructive blind leaders of the blind," he said, "none are so sightless and cause as much confusion and chaos as the preachers who, without knowing the facts of history, tell their congregations that we must enter this war for Christ and Christianity."


In a closing statement on the war, Dr. Maier said that "as Christians we utterly reject the principles and practices of all tyranny in Fascism, Naziism, totalitarianism and Communism, but we can best build democracy and Christianity by constructive peace." Radio men here think the Canadian censorship was put into effect before this sentence was delivered. The only reference to England in Dr. Mater's sermon was a mention that England was beginning to measure the cost of the war in terms of religious loss. Church of England baptisms, confirmations and ordinations had dropped during 1939, Dr. Maier said. Every other nation and mission field had suffered on account of the war.

Dr. Maier's Lutheran Hour sermon is delivered on a coast-to-coast hookup. Lutheran Hour officials say this is the first time the sermon has been censored by a radio station. Dr. Maier is a professor at Concordia, Seminary.