Newspaper article titled Driv It in Ter Stay

Driv It in Ter Stay

"DRIV IT IdTTER STAY." Apropos&y' the "pharmaceutical fhich still continues at Ma ss thriving capital of McDon- "Sffcounty, the By-Stander has a two column cartoon picturing a jug labeled as follows: "Notice: This cork has been driven in to stay." In some verses contributed by P. R. Wilmarth, a citizen of Macomb, printed in connection with the cartoon, "Billy" Sunday is credited with the reform. The lines are of sufficient merit to be worthy of reproduction and will doubtless be appreciated by the Herald readers. They are as follows: "We hear a heap o' talkln' bout things a- bein' did. An' people in high places a slttin" on the lid; Bout Folk and Thomas Lawson, an also "Gov." Taft, A knockin' out wrong doin an rootin' out the graft. "But it takes our "Billy" Sunday ter give Sin real old blues He's the only feller ever knocked out rlrus store booze. There ain't no. denyin' that things wuz pretty bum. At, hnm wuz pretty plenty when "Billy" Sunday cum. "There wuzn't much restricshun, an' if there wuz a lid It must have been misplaced ,or else the druggists had it hid. But "Billy" driv the cork in, in his own emphatic way Driv it in the booze jug, an driv it in ter stay!"