Newspaper article titled Elks Abolish Bar

Elks Abolish Bar

Elks Abolish Bar. One evening last week the Elks of Kankakee, went in a body to call upon Billy Sunday and they presented him with a big roll of , bills as their offering and gift. NotOnly that but the Elks have decided to abolish the liquor feature in their club rooms. Yesterday while tli meeting was In progress Sunday announced that at that very minute the Elks of Worthington, Minnesota, were holding a special meeting in their lodge rooms to pray for that meeting In Kankakee. The Masonic fraternity of Kankakee gave Sunday $100 as a free will offering. The Woodmen gave lid and so It went. Yesterday Kankakee gave $6,000 to the Evangelist to pay him and his corps of workers for the work they have done in Kankakee in the past two months. It was a generous tribute from a people that felt they were not overpaying him by any means for the good he had done them.