Evangelist Makes Good with the Houston Elks
SUNDAY MARES A HIT EVANGELIST MAKES GOOD WITH ... THE HOUSTON ELKS. He Said Things About Elks in General in His Prayer, and "It's Devil & Qiii-jstw Good Qnv : When Billy Sunday come to town the Elk Vow they'll go out to hear him. Through long alege el other evangelists they have remained Intact, untouched, unscathed. Abe Mulkey has been here, George Stuart, ,and the whole (1st of the other familiar to Texar revlvallsts. Evangelist Ham and his cruf at the big tabernacle failed to interfere with a single Tuesday night meeting ot Houston lodge No, ia. ..V,;. "But we'll turn out for Billy Sunday all right, all right," said Tlmmlns last night, and Tlmmlns speaks officially. He represented the lodge when he said It, And then he exhibited a newspaper clipping which waa read at last nlght'a meeting of Houston lodge No. 161, and that explained It all. It was theatory of one of Billy Sunday's meetings up In an Illinois town. The reformed baseball player was praying his ''city directory prayer," the prayer that Includes the whol town and community and the Inhabitant thereof. "0 God, sweep through our church, ' he Said; "get after the choirs, the deacons, the elders, the young people' societies, and, O God, put your arma around our lodges the Knights of Pythias, the Red Men, the Odd Fellows, the labor unions snd thedks. Put your arms around the Elks, O Lord. - Thou knowest that they are a speedy bunch, but If you get those fellow oo your side, dear Lord, they'll give the devil-the warmest cbase he ever had." I "Devil of good prayer," wild one of th fellow at th club last night. "Mighty much ot a truth-teller, too, when you com to think about It." "Sure, we'll all turn out," said another one. "Tell th preachers to bring him on." Thus was Billy Sunday commended by his own words of Indictment to the Elks of Houston. He'H have a seat of honor at their big banquet tomorrow night It he'll come. But he won't He In Kankakee, 111., preaching salvation every week night and Sunday, too, to WOO people, and the town' hardly a quarter of the also ot Houston.