Newspaper article titled Evangelist Sunday at Galva

Evangelist Sunday at Galva

Evangelist Sunday at Galva. Speaking of Rev. Win. Sunday’s work now in progress at Galva, 111., the News of that city, says: “After the first night or two some of the cburch members were hoppingl mad. They thought it was "perfectly awful” the way Mr. Sunday talked and carried on: that he was even profane and that his manners smacked of Wooly West.” Some vowed they wouldn’t go back. But they went and are still going and will gladly go onto the end. “Since the member of the church, after being mercilessly lashed, has been made to see his true relation to society by the mirror which Mr. Sunday holds up to him, he is willing to now become a gospel 1 broncho buster ’ and assist incorralling and branding the mavericks that are roaming pleasure’s sinful plains. 1 Mr. Sunday is truly a wonderful character. His knowledge of human nature and his ability to take instant advantage of and turn to good account every weakness of that nature is almost marvelous. He knows every chord in the diapason of human emotion and seems to know instinctively the precise moment to strike any par ticular chord He possesses intense energy and enthnsiasm and gradually infuses into his hearers the leaven of his own masterful spirit, By his own j . , . the “ WilrfanH j ' ; i directive energy, through his dominant will, he compels a cheerful activ-j ity on the part of all his co-workers which cannot be other than produc- | tive of great results ”