Newspaper article titled Forestall Billy Sunday

Forestall Billy Sunday

FORESTALL BILLY SUNDAY Muscatine Gambler Object To His Being Credited With Closing Them. MUSCATINE, Ia Oct. 14.-Specta.l : Fesrtng that Billy Sunday, the evangelist, would receive all the credit for putting them out of business with his campaign In the ctiy, the gamblers of Muscatine closed their doors Saturday evening; and have decided to remain Inactlvef for an indefinite period. The police stilled that there would bo no gambling in; the city for seme time at lenst. Aecorfling to a statement made by gmnhlers, the clubs cuine to sn agreement by deciding lo cheat Sunday out of the glory of running them out of busbies. It 1s rumored other resorts will follow the same plan.