Grand Methodist Camp Meeting in Salt Lake City
Grand Methodist Camp Meeting In Salt Lake City - Attended by Mormons and Gentiles - The Great Interest Taken in the Event.
SALT LAKE CITY, June 11, 1371.
The grand Methodist camp meeting began only to-day. The delay in the transportation of the mammoth tent from San Francisco prevented the inauguration of the meeting on Friday last. The huge tent was pitched almost in the centre of the city. The Mormon Church leaders and papers, aided by the Tribune , had announced the event, and a lively interest was awakened before the preachers arrived this morning. The first service was held to-day. The day was intensely hot, and the tent glowed like a furnace. About 500 persons were present at one time, though the flow to and from was great. Rev. Mr. Inskip preached the afternoon service, which was somewhat better attended, though the heat was almost intolerable this evening. Rev. Mr. Boole preached in the great tent, which was literally crowded with Mormons and Gentiles, Hundreds stood on the outside to listen. The services were impressive, and the order and decorum were perfect. Mr. Booles' sermon on the supremacy of the Divine teachings was listened to with unqualified approval. He dealt heavy blows against the new revelations, which told well among the followers of Brigham Young who have been wavering in their faith. The meeting was considered highly successful. To-morrow, in consequence of the heat, an early service will be held in the morning and the other in the evening.