Newspaper article titled Great Crowds Hear Sunday

Great Crowds Hear Sunday

GREAT CROWDS HEAR SUNDAY Largest Meeting of Entire Series ia Held Yesterday By Famous Evangelist. KNOXVIl.LE. !a. Monday, June 3.- Special: A crowd of more than II. "Ot Persons attended the meetings which have been conducted here during the last three weeks by Billy Sunday, the evangelist. Farmers from twenty miles around drove to town and excursions were run in on both the Rock Island and Burlington railroads. Sixty-seven were converted during the afternoon and 104 In the evening. Of this number twelve were members of the local military company. Twenty of this company have now become converted. During the afternoon Miss Susan I'axon erf Chicago addressed a meeting of women in the Methodist church and biter an overflow meeting of 500 at the Christian church. Sunday has broken away from nsa- t'onalism in his sermons, preaching yesterday on orthodox subjects and with most, of his slang express. ons eliminated.