Newspaper article titled Hear from Sunday

Hear from Sunday

Letter Received by Judge DeWolf in Friday Morning's Mail.

Rev. William A. Sunday was heard from Friday, Judge DeWolf receiving a letter written by him in which he expresses deep regret at his inability to fill the Belvidere date, but stating that he is ill and will have to undergo an operation at a hospital in Chicago .

The letter was written in time for it to reach Belvidere yesterday morning and such was Mr. Sunday's intention but in the Christmas rush it was delayed and did not reach here till, this morning when it was delivered to Judge DeWolf.

The thousands who were at the church Thurs evening and waited for more than an hour will be glad to know the reason for his non arrival.

A telegram was sent to him this morning. Another item appearing on another page of its paper was printed before news of the letter reached this office.