Newspaper article titled Hear Sermon Over Telephone

Hear Sermon Over Telephone

HEAR SERMON OVER TELEPHONE 'DES MOINES PEOPLE LISTEN TO EVANGELIST 'independent Lines Connected With Transmitter In the Tabernacle at Knoxvllle t DES MOINES, Ia., June 8. For e, whole week religious eloquence from ! the lips of Rev. "Billy" Sunday at j Knoxvllle has each evening gladdened t the hours of lonely toll line girls along ' several long distance lines connected .With Knoxvllle. A telephone has been Installed in the tabernacle close to the platform from which Sunday preacnes. The entire song service and sermons can be heard fifty miles iway over the wire. The Mutual telephone girls have listened to the preaching several nights and other Des Moines people have heard Sunday talk, Des Moines being connected with Knoxvllle by three lines. The operators at Oska-loosa, Albia, Pella, Montezuma, Newton and other cities not far from Knoxvllle have been placed on the line. Hundreds of farmers on inde- penueni party lines nave been con nected with the tabernacle. Every evening at 7:30 about 300 receivers are taken from their hooks and 300 people listen to the evangelist.