Newspaper article titled Listen, Billy Sunday

Listen, Billy Sunday

Listen, "Billy" Sunday! Iowa City Republican: The Council Bluffs Nonpareil thinks it is no wonder "Billy" Sunday drew the crowds at Centerville In one of his sermons recently he referred in terms of scorn to the parent who cannot manage a 16-year-old sissy not yet big enough to turn a flapjack without scattering battel- all over the kitchen. "If she insisted on keeping company with some scapegrace," said Billy, "I'd take her in the other room and dust her western hemisphere." It is a shame that such men are permitted to fill pulpits and preach where the innocent minded young can hear them. The country has too many "Billy" Sundays, whom the people rush to hear while sensible preaching is done to too many empty benches. The circus always was arid possibly always will be popular, and the people do not make distinctions as to where the ring is located.