Messrs Moody and Sankey’s Second Visit to Edinburgh

It being known that Messrs Moody and Sankey would be present at the Edinburgh noon prayer meeting on Wednesday, a vast crowd of people sought admittance. The hall was much too small to accommodate them all, and many had to leave disappointed. The service was of the ordinary description at these mid-day meetings. A very few words were said by the chairman, Mr Moody, who suggested a subject (“Christ the Shepherd”), and a number of other gentlemen rose afterwards and mentioned spontaneously how this aspect of the Lord’s character struck them. Ministers of all denominations were present, and that fact was dwelt upon with keen satisfaction by an Episcopalian clergyman. He spoke of the brotherly love that had been displayed since the beginning of this movement amongst ministers of all evangelical denominations, saying that he had been brought into close Christian communion with many whom before he had frequently passed in the streets, as if they were persons of another language or clime.|

At three o’clock in the afternoon Mr Moody delivered a Bible lecture in Free St Luke’s Church, Queen Street. Extraordinary eagerness was shown to get admittance to this lecture. So early as one o’clock people were entering the church and obtaining possession of good seats, and long before the hour the lecture was advertised to commence every corner of the building was packed with people. A place many times larger than this building would have been filled by the crowds who tried to obtain admittance. The time that elapsed between the crowding of the building and the appearance of the two evangelists was occupied by the congregation in singing several of the better known of Mr Sankey’s hymns. A band of young ladies, who had evidently made these their special study, led the singing. Each tune was started in a rather timorous fashion, but as soon as the assembly became aware of the hymn intended they joined in it heartily, and sang it throughout with spirit. Mr Moody delivered an addresson “The Two Adams.” It was listened to with the utmost attention, its character being of a nature fitted to engage and preserve the interest of such an audience. Mr Moody’s remarks consisted largely of original comments on Bible texts, bearing on the fall and redemption of man. Mr Sankey sang a new hymn entitled “Nothing but Leaves,” as well as some better known ones.

There was a praise meeting in the evening in the Free Assembly Hall. The people who could not get admittance into it filled the quadrangle and Free High Church, where similar meetings were held. A number of ministers stated that great blessing had attended themselves and their ministry in connection with this movement, and thanks were accordingly offered up for this. Mr Moody exhorted his hearers to a happy and joyful Christian spirit, and urged young people in particular to display such a spirit in commending the gospel to others. The parable of the lost sheep has been made the subject of a new hymn, which Mr Sankey sang at this meeting. Thursday night was in all respects one to be long remembered in connection with this movement.

Mr Moody presided at the forenoon meeting in Free St John’s Church yesterday, and Mr Sankey was also present. There was a farewell meeting at five o’clock last night, in the Queen’s Park, which was very largely attended, there not being a limit to the extent of the congregation. A spot that bears some resemblance to an amphitheatre, near St Anthony’s Well, was the spot chosen for the meeting, and there Mr Moody delivered his last address in Edinburgh. He and Mr Sankey are to visit Perth, Dundee, Aberdeen. Inverness, and other places in the North of Scotland before they leave this country.

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