
Moody in Tabernacle
Evangelist Preaches to an Immense Congregation. He Dwells upon the Lesson of the Bible that Men Reap as They Plant —The Importance of Prison Work Urged by Mr. Moody and a Collec- sion Taken ‘to Promote It—Song Service in the Morning and a Ser- mon on the Good Samaritan—Ser- vices Today. ‘ Mr. Moody will preach today at the First Congregational church ut 10:00 a m. and 3p. m. He will hold a service at the State prison this inerning at Y o'clock. Fle leuves fur the Eust to- morrow morning. A congregation estimated at some- thing like UG people attended == the Moody services in the Lubernucle yus- terday afternoon. Jhe great cvun- gelist wus at his best. The immense audience seemed an inspiration to him and as he warmed to his subject he caught the uttentton uf his hearers and held it between = asiniles and = tears throughout the course of his sermon. it was not thought at Nret that it would be neccssury to thruw open the entrances to th: Tabernacle gallery. They were allewed tu remain closed until few sents were Vacant on the main fioor, Sul! the peuple kepe coming and at lust the guilery was opened. It was occupied by hundreds within @ few minutes and when the serviccs were begun the ministers und others on the platform luoked over a vast expanse of expectant humanity. FAMILIAR HYMNS. The first part of the cxercises con- sisted of sw song and prayer service. Old-fashlonced hymns that everybody knew were chosen and a volume of meludy such us even the Tabernacle rarcly witnesses towed through and out of the building. he frat hymn was “Crown Hm Lord of All’ Then cama ““Nearer, My God, to Thee” and “fluck of Ages.” A prayer by Prot. Brown of Hammond Hall followed and the choir and congregation sang "On- Ward, Christian Suldier.” A solu by Prof. Towner, “Paul and Silas,” was followed by a silent prayer of wu few muments which Rev. William M. Paden eloquently supplemented by a speken appeal for a blessing. A solo by Prof, Towner, “When Jesus Shull Come,” wus next. H1S PRISON WORK, Then Mr. Meudy talked bricty about evangelistic work in prisona, LHe spoke of the increase in crime and quoted ututistics showing that in 1850 there was only one convict to each 88 of popu. intion, While in 1889 the ratio wax one to 210, The evangelist said he had never touched uny branch of work that rave such quick returns as prison wurk. la conclusion he usked everybody wha be- Neved in helping people to reform to hold up their hands. Hands were raised in almost countless numbers, “Now,” gaid Mr. Moody, sinilingly, “put them in your povkets and get a contvibution fov this work in Utah ready." A collection was then taken up and sevesul hats with quantities of large and small coin returned to the plat- forn. Whtie the offerings were being made Mr. Tjader and Prof. Powner sang a duet ‘And £ Shall See Lim Face to Face.” SOWING AND NEAPING. Mr. Moody took his text from the sixth chapter of Galatians: “Be not de- ceived, God is not mocked; for whatso- ever & man goweth that shall he also reap.” ‘Che speaker toid of preaching from this text in the Tabernacle twenty- eight years béfore. He said he be- Neved it then but he helleved it still more strongly now. Ale declared that God made Adam reap before he left Edeu and he reaped the kind of seed he sowed. ‘‘fhere isn’t a man or wo- man out of Christ in this house,” suid Mr. Moody, “who is not Inb- oring under a terrible delusion, The God of this book (the Bible) uever de- ceived anybody, and [t's folly for any- body to attempt tu deceive Him. Some people don't believe this and there igs iL cluss in this world laboring under this delusion. They think a thing isn't fo because they don’t delieve It.” Coutinuing, the evungelist said he didn't ordinarily believe in dividing a sermon into firstly, secondly, thirdly and so on, but on this uccasion he would q@ivide his talk inte four heads and slick to them if he could. In the first place & man expects to reap when he sows; second, a man expects to reap the same kind of seed he sows; third, a man expects to reap more than he rows; fourth, ignorance of the kind of seed gown makes no difference. REAPS WHAT HE sows. The speaker suid he wouldn't dwell on the first head because It was a self- evident proposition. Certainly no man who didn’t expect to reap would sow. Going to the second subdivision he first used a homely illustration about the man who tells his child that when tho netghbor comes over tro sce him he is not at hume: He thought that within six manths that child weuld be lying to its futher. Alr. Moody said that mothers hud com- plained about the falsehnods told by during the final prayer and benediction. . As the congregation began to disperse Mr. Moody announced that he would conduct services in the Congregational church this morning at 10:30 anrl this afternoon at'3 o'clock, his theme being- "Bible Study" on both occasions. Tonight Mr. Tjader will preach to Scandinavians in the same place. The Moody party will leave for the East tomorrow morning. HIS MORNT1TG SERMON. Mr. Moody Deals -with the Subject of the Good Samaritan. Mr. Moody's morning meeting was more in the nature of a song service, much of the time "being taken up with solos by Prof. Towner and choruses, in which the choir and congregation participated. The church was but par" tially filled, the chilly rain having kept many indoors. s ll At the beginning of the services Mr Moody announced the hymn, "While the Days Are Going J?v " This iva* followed by the singing of "Onward Christian Soldier," wfth^Prof. Radclift> at the organ The stirring- hymn had its eilect on the audience ri( ^ Ir - 1T J?- <i ? I i the Swedish evangelist, offered a brief prayer, after which Prof ' ad he choir S! "' " : , ur «ed, "and conie out to the rrK-et-s I . slla11 s Peak on the Bible at the morn-" jfj'!,, 8 ?^': T^i h -? p ° to throw somo washing and work until Tuesday" he " s " light on . Tho evangelist" took as his text for the Miornins talk the twenty-fifth verse of the tenth chapter of Luke, being the parable of the Good Sa .! he ,. Gu od Samaritan. :e characters ir He 'I'd know a Good Samaritan half a. mile away." he said. "There is snm°- n 1-1-i i-.t ™ .-, V, , i. JIT_ ,, , - _. . tj'^lii^ | . . om°- g about them that is different from one else. How many are th™ thin anyone nowadays who would lift an enemy up and minister to bimv carriages over to the poor washerwoman and stay and tend her children while she goes to church. It don't make any difference what church. Don't draw the line on the church. Be ready to help those in need."