Moody's Success.

Moody will not admit it, but there is no other man in this country who could have filled the Auditorium as he filled it eight times. He held forty-eight thousand men and women in the hollyw of his hand and they wept or smiled as he willed. It may have been magnetism or it may have been acting. It may have been that the plain talk from the plain man was just what the plain people wanted, and the people were plain plain from the standpoint of fashion. He congratulated the audiences because they were plain. He does not think it any particular honor for a man to be rich. Once he gladdened the thousands into cheering by telling them all the honor he had was the result of his faith in the honor and fairness of the poor. Some one brought to him word that there would be no fear about the expense of the hall in case he would hold the boxes for the rich. This proposition was set upon so hard that the board under his broad foot was split in his indignation. This stands for his popularity. He is Moody—only Moody, rough, honest, sincere, flat, without frills, old-fashioned, consistently simple and grandly in earnest.—Times Herald.