Newspaper article titled More About Evangelist Sunday

More About Evangelist Sunday

More About Evangelist Sunday. . From tilt KankakM QwUt. Sunday 'a stIe of work is often onen to criticism. Many of his utterances. picked put of bis talks without anv connection with his sermon and out the personality or -spirit of man, sound severe, unreasonable ihd object lonable, But the man gets results and that la what be and other men are after in every pursuit in life. Any man who can ao Into a town break VP gambling joints, close saloons and decrease positive and outbnwklno. evil besides getting many others to take a more serious view of life and IU responsibilities and purpose Isn't to be put aside with criticism as to his methods, for bis works sneak InW than his words. When he is criticised for, reeinvlnir large contributions by an enthuaiatin a nd grateful people it must be remembered thajt if tbe man Is sincere he is not in tne business for the money he gets obt of It, and doubtless he finds many waya of dlsnosina of it in Tul and helpful channels. When Sun day left a $3,000 a year Job as. a professional ball player to Uke a minor position In Y. M. C A. work he tainly was not mercenary, When the number or conversions la cited at ao much per head by critics It would be no more than fair to nut on ih. of the balance sheet the money that a saved by tbe turning- of men'. Iiv. Into walks of usefulness and earning capacity when before h' w. . - - j " w m curse to themselves and community. What Is a man worth is a question that Is not easy answered or easy of money eatimata. I-------