Newspaper article titled Mr. Moody in Baltimore

Mr. Moody in Baltimore

The Evangelist Preaches In Jail And Penitentiary And In Eutaw Place Baptist Church.

Mr. Dwight L. Moody , the noted evangelist, now especially interested in penal institutions, visited Baltimore yesterday.

In the morning he preached to the prisoners in the city Jail and in the afternoon to prisoners in the Maryland penitentiary. It was his first visit to the latter institution in the past twenty years, though at one time he spent the winter here and spoke to the inmates there almost daily.

At both institutions his sermons were chiefly an appeal to the prisoners to change their course in life, and, when free, go out into the world with the determination to lead good, active, honest lives the balance of their days. The prisoners appeared deeply interested in what he said and gave him the closest attention.

A great many people were anxious to hear Mr. Moody at both these services, but the rules only permitted the admission of a limited number. Rev. Joel T. Rossiter, pastor of the First Reformed Church, and Sheriff Hoffman were among those with him at the penitentiary. Mr. William H. Morriss, general secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association, learned of his coming by a telegram received and arranged for these services.

Mr. Moody preached last night at the Eutaw Place Baptist Church, Eutaw Place and Dolphin streets, to an immense congregation. Hundreds were turned away from the doors, the aisles were packed with people standing, and even the rear of the pulpit was occupied.

Mr. Moody delivered one of his characteristic sermons, his text being: "Come unto me all ye that are heavy laden and I will give yon rest." He commented on the gloriousness of this promise, and said this rest could not be found in society, or in wealth, or in power. He spoke of having been in Baltimore twenty years ago, when he held the most successful meetings of his life in the Baltimore city Jail. Constantly, he said, he met men whom he had converted then.

He made an appeal for money for the support of the jail work which he is now doing, the money to be applied principally to publishing small books on religious subjects, which are to be distributed throughout the jails of the country. A collection was taken up for this purpose. Rev. Junius W. Millard, pastor of the church, concluded the service with the baptism of five persons.

Mr. Moody was the guest of Mr. Francis White, 1114 St. Paul street, and will leave Baltimore this morning for Philadelphia.