Newspaper article titled Petty Gambling Devices

Petty Gambling Devices

. rTn nnr a nrn PETTY GAM15L.iJNU JJJtUV J..a CJ U UUZ.L L. X JJlOiirr-szlr.rrL.u . . n, HTTTT7XT BILLY LEFT THE GAMES CAME BACK AGAIN Enter Billy Sunday, Exit The punch boards. Exit Billy Sunday. Enter The. punchboards. Merely a "coincidence." Certainly! A few days before Sunday arrived in town recently, policemen Informed cigar stand owners and other places where the punchboards, the candy boards and other kinds of boards were part of the ' collection equipment of the establishment, and told them to quit using them. Most of the shopkeepers blamed it on Billy. A few of them got the boards out to allow well known customers to play during leisure moments. Then Billy Sunday left town. For a few davs punchboards and candy boards were kept under the counters and brought out only upon request. 'Then some of them stayed out, and within the past week most all of them have been staying out. None of the shopkeepers seemed to consider it a violation since Sunday left town. None of them have been haled into court for using this ort of a gambling device. But County Solicitor-R. E. L. Chancey has noticed it and he has asked Sher iff Wbite if he- will not give his co-op eration in suppressing these divices. In a letter t6 the sheriff Saturday, Mr. Chancey wrote: "The vending of merchandise by means of punchboards. baseball games and oth er similar ana Kinarea aeviees. wnere- in the element of chance is largely pre domlnent, is in violation of law. "I will thank you to co-operate with me in suppressing the same Many of the cigar counters, including some at the hotels, besides having the candy boards, have a green layout dot ted with brass-headed tacks and a set of dice wherein the player for a quar ter a game can get his quarter back in merchandise, or he may get a half dollar or a dollar's worth, or he may get nothin Mr. Chancey's list a tkc o.acc o-o ii,, t Vtrr ' LOOKING FOR MISSING GIRL Chief of Detectives Fred Thomas has received a letter from Chief of Police R. T. Battersby of Jersey City, N. J., asking that he attempt to locate Miss Josephine Gill, who came to Belleair