Newspaper article titled Politicians Make Good Christians

Politicians Make Good Christians

at POLITICIANS MAKE GOOD CHRISTIANS Len Small Says Ho and Len Ought to . Know Tells Why iVJost Notable of Sunday's Kankakee Converts Jives out Interview. "Len" Small, political boss that was and is, "Billy" Sunday's convert that is and will be, today declared that politicians make courageous Christians. Here is his creed: l l believe a man may be a sue cess as a politician and be an equal success as a Christian. 21 believe most politicians are at heart believers itn the doctrine of Christ. Some of them may be putting off actual practice of their beliefs, but, worst they are deferred Christians, 3 I believe that politicians par tlcularly the successful ones are men who live up to their word in a way almost unparal leled in other lines of business or in professions. 41, believe that any man, wheth er he Is politician or not, who believes in the average human decencies of life should come out in the open and declare himself. 5 I believe the American public is entirely wrong in thinking that professional politicians are bad politicians are a very good set of men. ' 6 I believe that a man. politician or not, who Is merely attending church and giving to philan thropic purposes Is not doing his full duty he should work actively for the cause of Chris tianity. 7 I believe that most men hold Christian ideals at heart. They should get them Into their lives. 81 believe there is nothing but the future life to look forward to and that men should not pay too much attention to the ma terial things of the present stage of existence. 9 I believe that every man should take the' step I have done and come plainly out for Christian ity. I believe this particularly as to men with families. Because they will be benefiting their families as well as them selves. "Need More Like Sunday." Sneaking of his conversion Mr. Small said: "I took this step, not as a poli tician, but as a" man. I have never belonged to any church, although I have felt in sympathy with Chris tians ideals for many years I have tried to live a decent live and to stand for the best things in the com munity. "Sunday, however, made It plain to me' that something more than more quiescent decency was required. He made me'eome to an understanding that any man who wants to stand for better things should come out in the open and say so. A little more of 'Billy' Sunday scattered around the country would not do a bit of harm. He certainly would help a lot of people to understand their duty better If they could only hear hUn"