Portion of Prophetstown Tabernacle Threatens to Collapse
CAME NEAR BEING A PANIC. Portion of Prophetstown Tabernacle: , Threatens to Collapse. 'Sterling, June 11.—Rev. Wm. A.. Sunday preached to a thousand peo- jle in Prophetstown Saturday even- ng. Interest in these meetings is* jecomihg general and much*less opposition talk is heard than at tfie aeginning of the revival. "Billy" Sunday is slowly capturing the people, but very few denounce nim and some of his worst slanderers are- already steady attendants at his meetings. The contributions do not yet come up to the mark, only about ^100 being taken up to and including Friday night. Rev. Sunday believes in the bible on account of its fulfillment of prophecy to date. Spiritualism was .next, taken up by the speaker and he was- pulling off the mask from that old fraud and humbug, as he called it, when the supports or stringers running north and south under the center section of seats began to, give way in front. Fully 1,OOQ people- wer_e seated in -this section,,-and- while those in front hastily arose, it made the whole section pretty nervous, and Mr. Sunday seeing .the state of affairs abruptly closed the- meetiug. No one could have been hurt by the seats going down entirely, but bad results might have come from the almost certain, panic- which would have followed. The supports will be strengthened and made secure today andithere will be- no repetition of last night's little scare