Newspaper article titled Preach Against Billy Sunday

Preach Against Billy Sunday

PREACH HEIST BILLY SUNDAY Rockford Ministers Advise Members Not to Go to Tabernacle. Evangelist "Billy" Sunday has just closed a series of revival meetings at Galva, 111., where he went from Sterling a couple of weeks ago. Next week he is hilled to visit Rockford and endeavor to reform the city. Some of the Rockford ministers last Sunday preached against the evangelist. Rev. J. F. Seedoff. of the First JL.11-. theran church, addressed a large congregation Sunday, and during the course of his remarks said: "It looks like religious despair and lack of effort when a city with nearly.,, forty ministers of the gospel has to call upon a sensational, outsider.. to minister to its spiritual wants. That is what has been done in this city. What need Is there for this spectacular expounder, Billy Sunday, if the ministers of the gospel attend to their duties and trust? -None at all, and I would urge all the members of my congregation to stay away from this sensationalist's tent. "How can Billy Sunday in a few " weeksdo what forty ministers are try ing to do all the year around? It requires sensationalism and is against the tenets of the church. It ts spectacular and . not in accordance wita , our belief and we ought to stay away from such an exhibition. I say with consideration and only after much' thought, there is no sincere truth in such religion, however much it may so eeem. Consequences stirred by meth-, ods will soon relapse. Stay away from ' Billy Sunday's tent." , ' Called Them a "Frost," Rockford Republic: After speaking of some of the innovations introduced In the meetings held by Evangelist Sunday, at Galva, such as whistling by the choir and handclapping when people go forward to kneel at the altar, Rev. R. A. Brown, at the Meth-; odist church in Kewanee Sunday morning said : "What would you call : such things a chill? I should call them a frost. It will take years of Holy Ghost warming to counteract the baneful effects of the sensational, sentimental features of some of the mod- j ern evangelistic methods." Still Chasing After Sunday. Sterling Gazette: The Sterling Young Men's Christian association has j concluded to run an excursion to j Rockford some time in the near fu-. ture to attend the meetings to be held by the Rev. W. A. Sunday in the big ' tabernacle which has been erected in ' the city. The date for the excursion has not been set and this matter will be left to the discretion of Mr.' Sunday. It will be announced here after Mr. Sunday has decided as to when he desires the Sterling people to visit him. It will be necessary for two hundred people to accompany this excursion in order to make the affair a success and the arrangement with the railroad company has been made for very low rates for the trip. The train will leave Sterling in . time to reach Rockford and allow the excursionists to attend both the afternoon and evening service. j , I !