Preparing for Billy Sunday
, Prrpaiinj for "Billy "Sunday. The Kankakee Repub lean say "How is it that Billy Hurdsy at bis great revivals gets things stirred up s?" was an li qulry made the other day. "How dee be get the so-called tough' t lement of a eommunity stirred Bp and converted?'' .;. Tbe rt ply made to tbe irqulry waa that Sunday begins in a must unique way to go afler the soul of those con sidered the under eh men t in the eommunity. For the first three weeks of his mretli gs be ' tome" it into the church numbers, reproaching them for their bark-allding, etc. Tba so- ealled tough element of the communi ty is drawn to htar bmiard tbey say, "Good boy Billy, give it to 'em." By that time he has the thinner Interested and he goes right after lhm. He gets rhm, too. Sunday will be Jiere for a spiritual awakening of Kankakee In the early part of ntxt year. It la aald that a special tabernacle will be erected for tbtse cervices and a aite la now under consideration. , s ,v m- t ,