Prophetstown Converted by Billy Sunday
Sterling, June 2 6—Prophetstown is redeemed. From a worldly village with its thriving saloons and its full share of vices, it has been concerted through the efforts of “Billy” Sunday, the former baseball player and bids fair to become a marvel of spo+- lessness and purity. The moral upheaval that has occurred was shown when Mayor Paddock and all the members of the town council fell at the feet of the evangelist after he had delivered an unusually strong exhortation, declaring themselves miserable sinners and professed a desire to lead better lives. They were followed by many of their townspeople, and now a movement is on f*ot to refund the money paid by liquor dealers for licenses in Prophetstown and close all the saloons in the ’’Irce. It is probable that the v.lrcle Ullage will be converted before Sunday ends his services. His meetings have aroused remarkable interest. He delivered four sermons Sunday which were heard by 15,000 people.