Reform Strikes Kankakee
BEFOtTM STRIDE® KANKAKEE War 0 Sunday Theater Ten Up by Mlnribtens Already Kankakee aesems te b© ip the tiiroas of the reprm war The SYhisterial alliance has taken a slfenu footed against Sunday amusements and tltrough Secretary J M Davis of the Young Men’s Ctiris-tian aseooiation a waasemt was awern out charging Dan Siebert manaigeo of the Bijou theater witti violation Of a city ordinance “We will go to the supreme count with 9he case if necessary” said one of the nflnisters “and have the constT-tnfionality of the law passed upon” Hhat all the cohorts of SUttan have not deserted was indicated when imder the cover of darkness sonTfe person unknown placed a large bfr keg on top of the Standby tabernacle along with a beer sign A small boy attempted to interrupt Hie services by swearing dt the speaker through an open dofcrr