Rescued After 83 Days Adrift, Naval Gunner Craves Spaghetti
BETHESDA, Md. , March 11 ( U.P. ).— Basil D. Izzi , 20-year-old naval gunner who was rescued after 83 days adrift in the Atlantic on a raft, looked forward today to only one thing—a dish of his mother's spaghetti.
The mere thought of his mother’s cooking, especially her spaghetti, sustained his spirits during the aimless travels at sea on the raft that originally carried five men and ended up with only three alive.
Izzi, whose home is in South Barre. Mass. , is recovering from his ordeal at the Navy medical center where he told his story in an interview with the United Press.
He talked quietly, dispassionately, this youth with the hollow eyes and the frightful memories. That is, he did until he told how "My officer"— Lieut. James D. Maddox of Lafayette. Ind. —died at sea after 77 days on the raft. Then his eyes became moist.
"It affected me pretty bad, because he was my officer and we'd gotten along well together on the ship," he said.
Izzi was a member of a gun crew aboard a merchantman which was