Newspaper article titled Rev. W. A. Sunday was to Address a Large Audience

Rev. W. A. Sunday was to Address a Large Audience

Uarard Indopemlenl: Ile. W. A. Sunday iru to addrea a larifo audience al Helvldere laal Tburday even-iiK, but fallrd to put In an appearance. The following morning Judite DeWolf received a letter from him which Mated that ha waa very III and mi about ut undergo ao operation in a ChloaKo hoaplul. The Item published lo the Independent laul week In regard o Mr. Sunday havlnif been aaulted In Iowa d 14 not prove to be true, although having been reported by parties aup-poaed W be reliable. He did not meet with vlsleoce In tbat slate, but there " conalderable opposition to some of bis methods, especially the language ed in the men's meetings. i