Revival Meeting
. Revival Meetlsg. : Revi val meeting commenced at tbe M. F. chureh in Ashton, Nov. 5tb, under very favorable auspices.' The subjects for the series of meetings follow: 1. Wilt Tbou Not Serve Us. ' 2. Fear Not Little Flock. 8. Repentance. Conversion. A Turn toSironghold of Prisoners of Hope. ' i 5. Names Disease; His Cure. . 6. Our Salvation and Escape. 7. Awake Tbou that Sleepest. 8. Tbe Savior Seeking a Lost World. 9.- Tbe Harvest la Fait; We are Not Saved. 10.' Tbe Test of God'S. 11.-Where Art Then? 12. Weighed and Found Wanting. 13. Rejecting and Receiving Christ, Contrasted. 14. Prodigal Son. 15. Ashton's Idol;Haa God Left Ashton? 16. Billy Sundays Gun Turned on Ashton.