Newspaper article titled Services at the Tabernacle

Services at the Tabernacle

Elder John Taylor preached in the forenoon, and in the afternoon the time was occupied by Elder Orson Pratt.

In the evening at half-past five o'clock, between five and six thousand persons, including a large number of juveniles, assembled to listen to discourses from Dr. J. H. Vincient, of New York, and Mr. D. L. Moody , of Chicago, and to the beautiful singing of Mr. Philip Phillips, of New York. Dr. Vincient spoke in a clear and concise manner on the nature of Sabbath school work and the necessity that existed for teachers engaged in it being thorough and efficient. Mr. Moody told, in a very graphic and effective style, a number of appropriate anecdotes illustrative of the subject upon which he spoke: "Salvation for all."