Newspaper article titled Sunday Is in Galva

Sunday Is in Galva

Sunday Is in Galva Every day Is Sunday in the ever quiet, sedate little town of Galva. Just one week ago the great evangelist, "Billy" Sunday arrived in that village to begin a series of evangelistic meet ings in a tabernacle built expressly for his meetings. Though but a week in the town, he has got Satan on the run and the one theme of conversation in the town is Sunday Galva supports five saloons, and until Sunday's arrival they have done a good business. Today these five saloon keepers can be found at most any hour behind their bars gazing sad-eyed at the door, hoping, yes praying, that a thirsty soul may appear. But all in vain, and as they turn their heads to brush away a tear, tney murmur Sunday, thou are woe, only woe." Within the last three night 300 lepenters have come to the altar seeking mercy, and as they leave the tabernacle their faces are the mirrors of a new faith and a new pur- he of suppres-, tt I-tlng.of IKiUil Tim tnfii:itiiru ti'ivn . , 1 S south part of the county that they are ; neing attention ry nunilreils ot people troiti miles around, who come by train and by wagon loads over the almost bottomless roads. Last night the tab-ormn le could not accommodate the throtiK, many bein turned away and at one tine I'lvthty were kneeling at the altar or in the aisles. Imnlorlmr rind's grace and mercy. Sunday Is certainly a marvel and power for God that can not, ne aemea, and in appreciation to this fact the saloon keepers are making preparations to close out their business, knowing that after the expiration of their licenses there will be no hope of securing others for some years to come at best. i