Newspaper article titled Sunday's Revival Disappointment

Sunday's Revival Disappointment

THREATENS TO PACK HIS TRUNK AND LEAVE KANKAKEE IF PEOPLE DONT HELP. 'Billy Sunday's spit b,x!' are not having the effect of reforming Kankakee en roiMi, a indicated ly the following. taken from the Daily Rq ".Mi-can official'' reporter of the S-cday meetings : That the revival will be a failure If the people of the church. d-nt do I more personal work than they are do-! Ing. was crop ha lied by Kv anceiet J Sunday at the afternoon meeting ye-j terday and at the clo-e of hi sermon ; last evening. Only a few church inm- j hers were out doing personal work j last night, and only thirty-three per-j sons responded to the invitation to come to tho front at the close cf the sermon. "You can get somebody else to finish these meetings," said Mr. Sunday, if the church dont get under this movement and push. I kDw there was something wrong the minute 1 stepped In here tonighL I saw something wrong last night, but tonight emphasizes It only more clearly. You haven't got one-tenth of the people working here that they had la Ke-wanee. I'm the last man on God's earth that will come here and entertain you. 1 turned down a hundred towns to come to Kankakee, and If the people won't get undr this work and push. Ill pack my trunk and get out,"