Newspaper article titled The City Election

The City Election

The City Election It is all over now that is the city election Princeton has turned down the saloon for another year the no-license alderman electing two alder man The license people elected three alderman and the council stands just as' it did last year—evenly divided on the license question with the mayor having the deciding vote The "Amsterdam" ward—ward three—where two alderman were elected gave both license candidates handsome majorities Johnson receiving 40 and Starker 47 The second ward gave Mesenkop a majority of 55 In the Fourth ward the no-license candidate Forest S Fowler counted ten more than did William H Robinson the license man and the first ward— —gave Bryant no-license a majority of 31 votes over Andes C Best the license candidates Vote on Marshal 1 2 3 4 Georg e Prior I 150 153 151 148 G E Sprague n-I 169 77 140 130 Vote on aldermen First ward Guy A Byrant n-I 175 Andes C Best 1 144 Second ward W H Messenkop I 140 E A Vaughan n1 85 Third Ward Frank A Johnson I 153 Charles J Morris n-I 113 Philip S Starker 1 157 Rolla L Russell n-I 110 Fourth ward Forrest S Fowler n-1 144 William H Robinson I 134 Prior's majority 106 Bryant's majority 31 Messenkop's majority 55 Johnson's majority 40 Starker's majority 47 Wlannt Tiskilwa Wyanet Buda and Sheffield will remain wet another year At Galva where Evangelist Billy Sunday preached for two weeks prior to eleetion the entire no-license ticket was elected by an average majority of 01 At Sterling where Sunday converted 1700 people and had 700 young men pledged to vote the tern-prance ticket the no-license people only polled about 400 vots out of the 2100 cast for city officers license carrying by an overwhelming majority