The Methodists Make a Decent upon the Mormons
We have a dispatch from Great Salt Lake City announcing a grand Methodist camp meeting in full blast there, in the heart of the town. The preaching is in a mammoth tent brought over from San Francisco. Our reporter says that a great congregation of Mormons and Gentiles was gathered to hear the sermon of the Rev. Mr. Boole on Monday evening, and that he dealt some heavy blows against the new Mormon revelations, which told well among those followers of Brigham Young who have been wavering in their faith in his infallibility. This camp meeting, then, is a methodist missionary enterprise to carry the light of the gospel among tho polygamists of mormondom; and no doubt it will contribute to weaken the hold of the Prophet Brigham upon his deluded followers. Meantime tho Gentile miners are crowding into the Salt Lake valleys, and tho Pacific Railroad, in various other ways, has broken in upon the seclusion of the Latter Day Saints, so that we think it may be safely prophesied that the days of the Mormon polygamists in Utah are numbered, and that within a few years they will have disappeared without any further intervention from Congress. - Yew York Herald.